Saturday, December 31, 2005

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Friday, November 18, 2005

ThEse ArE My PaInTiNg
HoW R tHeY?
kIrAn In BlACK

StAr GaNg
StAr GaNg Is ThE nAmE wE hAvE cHooSeN fOr oUr GaNg.tHe mAiN tHeMe Of OuR GaNg Is To LovE eVeRyOnE aNd LeAd A HaPPy lIfE.tHe EaCh pERsOn IN tHiS gAnG HaS dIFfErENt QuAlItIeS wHiCh mAkEs Us sTaRs In THe sOcIEtY.
ThE sTaR gAnG hAs SaIikIrAN,ShAsHaNk,SrIkAnTh,
We Do sIlLy ThInGs aNd nEvEr HuRt AnYoNe bUt SoMeTiMeS iT hApPeNs UnKnOwiNgLy.
Hi FrIeNdS tHiS Is tHe RaRe PiCtUrE oF mY lIFe As It hAs BoTh Of My GrAnDpArEnTs.mY gRaNdFaThEr HaS pAssAed AwAy ReCeNtLy plz eVeRyOnE pRaY fOr hIm.ThOuGH hE LeFt Us hE StIlL rEmAiNS in mY sOuL.
He wAs GoD In HiMsElF.
DOB-14th october DOD-5th november

A FrIeNd FoReVeR

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend, Someone who charges your life just by being there, Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop, Someone who makes you beleive, That there is really good in the world, Someone who covinces you, That there is an unlocked door, Just waiting for you to open it.
There is forever friendship when your down, And all of the world seems dark and empty, Your forever lifts up in spirit, And makes that dark and empty world, Suddenly bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, The sad times, and the confusing times, If you turn, your forever friend follows, If you lose your way your forever friend guides you, And cheers you on forever, Friend holds your hand and says, "Everything is going to be okay" And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete, Because you need not worry, You have a forever freind for life, And forever has no end.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I love my India
'Vande Mataram' in Sanskrit, 'Maa Tujhe Salaam' in Hindi, 'Mother, I salute you!' in English... An old sanskrit phrase, the freedom cry of people of all the different religions of the Indian sub-continent when they fought for the right to live their way, on their Mother Earth. We all have a mother, we all know the same love. We are all One in this love.
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